Word for the World Christian Fellowship Cebu

Is this the Best? Or 2nd Best?



I began to worry that I have enrolled in the wrong school. Initially, I felt God’s peace about the school that I chose but as I began to look at the other universities, I became anxious.


As I struggled with this, I turned to God. "Lord, I'm struggling with worries again. I like the thought of going to Xiamen University...but I also want the best education, and it seems that the other university is reputed to be better. I'm worried I might not learn a lot of Mandarin if I stay here..."


“Yes, Lord?”

“Know that if I’m calling you to Xiamen University, I will make up for whatever lack of training the school may give through other ways. Do not worry. I AM in control. Trust in Me.”

As it turned out, our department had a change in administration. Many new teachers were hired, and student training and assessments were improved. During the beginning of this semester, class representatives were invited to meet with the administrative team to talk about problems and solutions. I attended the meeting and was frankly very impressed about how warm and open the administrators were. Then, in terms of my daily classes, when I asked Jordan to review my lessons with me, he was surprised at how challenging our lessons were.

So...in a nutshell... HE was working behind the scenes even while I was still in the Philippines. There I was worrying about my schooling, not knowing a change had already begun in Xiamen University. Truly, HE answers prayers before we even know what to pray about!

Being thrilled about His unseen hand working behind the scenes, I think about YOUR own life, too. My own adventures are simply a small part in the whole scheme of things. Your life has its own amazing stories as well. And I'm excited for you!

Oh Lord, give us a new set of perspective. Help us to see life through Your eyes. So many things from You have been unnoticed by us, like a flower blooming on the side of the street. Oh how we have robbed ourselves of the pleasure of seeing Your Hand working in our lives.

Please bless my family, friends, including the ones reading this update. You have planned their unique adventures. I pray that each adventure will bring them to a deeper love and longing for You.

Thank You, Lord.
In Your name,